Need help with Blueprint Spawn/Rotate/Fire

After two weeks of reading and so many failed attempts I have lost count I’m hoping someone in the community can help me out with this. I have two blueprints Launcher and Rocket. The Rocket BP is made up of a collider, a mesh and a projectile movement. What I am trying to do is, right click command in the Launcher BP to mount the rocket to a socket on the launcher, be able to position the launcher while the rocket is attached and visible and then left click to fire the rocket. Currently if I right click and then left click without moving the mouse everything looks great. If I right click (which spawns and attaches a rocket), and then move the launcher, when I left click it fires (detaches and triggers the custom event) but it fires from the position that the rocket originally spawned from and not from the current position of the launcher’s socket. I was able to get the rocket to fire from the correct position by creating a projectile movement component in the blueprint right before calling the fire rocket event but I really need to have the projectile movement component in each rocket BP instead of creating it at run time in the launcher blueprint. Thanks ahead of time for any advice.


I think I have a video for you to watch. Fixing Movement States - #16 Creating A First Person Shooter (FPS) With Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube

I hope this helps.