Need help with attachments to socket on makehuman model

Hi! I have a problem, when I try to attach anything to my “weapon” socket nothing happens in the skeleton preview window, and I’ve made so that my level blueprint should find the socket and attach a skeletal mesh to it but instead it gets attached to the root of it, like this:

Here’s my blueprint:

As it doesn’t even work in the preview window i get a feeling its not the blueprint that is failing. Maybe it’s the | symbols in the bone hierarchy that makes it so that the socket cant be found.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

EDIT: i tried previewing both the standard first person and third person with a socket and a static mesh attached to them in the skeleton window, didnt work either.


in [Introduction to Third Person Blueprint game - 21 - Adding Physics Components for Punching in UE4][1] he attached some components to bones. Works the same way for sockets.

But I think you need a static mesh component and attatch it inside an Actor Blueprint’s Construction Script. It does not work in the Level Blueprint like that. Try it like with an StaticMeshComponent in your Character:

Alternatively if the weapon should be variable, you can set the Mesh of the static Mesh Component on the Chatracter Blueprint in the Event Graph (like after pickup or weapon selection or so).

There are more ways and usecases, but that’s what I recommend to try to get warm with it.

thanks for your answer. i plan on setting an item system up with c++ so right now i just want to see what my assets look like together, however it still seems that the socket cant be found even though im 100% its the right name. my skeletal still just gets attached to the root bone of my character. moving the blueprint scripts into the bp of the item didnt change anything

Yes it is, but it is skeletal and I have some bones attached to it, thing is I watched many tutorials about this but in this one: Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial: Attach to Socket (english) - YouTube he creates a socket and adds a preview asset to it, when i do that nothing happens, not even with the standard 3p skeleton and the pillar just like he does it.

Somehow I have rights to comment on your comment to my answer.

Is the rifle an independant mesh? It should be. Try to import without combined meshes or export the objects seperately.

The rifle has to be an independant StaticMeshComponent in the class bp for this to work.