Need Help with an Error "Windows SDK v8.1 must be installed in order to build ths target"

Hi All,

I have seen a few of these errors out there, but still don’t see how to resolve it. I downloaded Visual Studio 2017 Community" and made sure all neccessary modules where selected especially the Unreal Engine 1. I downloaded with the Windows 10 SDK (WinSDKSetup), and installed, but nothing happens after install. I’m not sure how you are supposed to execute it so unreal engine nows its installed.

I have opened a new project in VS Community 2017, and that didn’t help. I’m am not a programmer, or proficient in any of this, Im just trying to get my ArchViz project packaged and done with. Is there something I am missing here, and have attached the package failure that I copied from the output log.

This map or level is basically a FirstPerson BluePrint Map, witha couple of my models. I have a bigger project that i can’t compile, so I made this basic level to see what happens, and still failed. I have tried to enable/disable the Substance plug-in, thats solved nothing, and also did the same for the web widget, and makes no difference.

Really hope someone can help here, its probably a really simple thing and my lack of experience in locating it. Below are my specs:

Windows 10
Unreal Engine 4.16.3

I don’t know all the details, but there are problems with Unreal and VS2017. Search the forums. There are some extra steps or a work around, I believe, though it may be that you should use VS2015.

I figured it out thanks

Hi, I am trying to setup Unreal Engine v4.18.3 from Github.
It was all going well.
The batch file GenerateProjectFiles.bat worked a few times and now it just comes up with :

Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files…
Binding IntelliSense data… 0% ERROR: Windows SDK v8.1 must be installed in order to build this target.

I’ve installed Windows SDK 8.1 via VS2017’s “Modify” and also via Windows SDK and emulator archive | Microsoft Developer

For some reason the batch file GenerateProjectFiles.bat just refuses to notice it’s installed.

Have I missed something? If somebody could help that would be much appreciated.


I installed UE4 before vs2017
mine is:
Running Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/UE_4.18/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe UE4TPSTest1 Development Win64 -project=“Unreal Projects/UE4TPSTest1/UE4TPSTest1.uproject” -editorrecompile -progress -NoHotReloadFromIDE
Performing full C++ include scan (building a new target)
Creating makefile for UE4TPSTest1 (no existing makefile)
@progress push 5%
Parsing headers for UE4TPSTest1Editor
Running UnrealHeaderTool “Unreal Projects\UE4TPSTest1\UE4TPSTest1.uproject” “Unreal Projects\UE4TPSTest1\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4TPSTest1Editor\Development\UE4TPSTest1Editor.uhtmanifest” -LogCmds=“loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error” -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed
Reflection code generated for UE4TPSTest1Editor in 9,1172796 seconds
@progress pop
ERROR: Windows SDK v8.1 must be installed in order to build this target.

Well what solved it was the litteral installation of WSDK 8.1 I thought WSDK 10 would be enough. Now it works.