To preface not sure if this is even an effective way to go about this, but in my mind it seems viable to do so this way.
I’m wanting to create a system where my city is populated with tiles and these tiles are modular in that by default it’s just decoration, but roads and buildings can be established as needed by the player/npcs creating these cities.
I currently have the base tile set up, empty as can be but I have an array of 9 points to determine locations of connection points for roads to travel from one tile to the next. I’m just unsure how to go about actually creating the road elements. Would splines make sense here? Would it be a hassle to have a click and drag functionality over multiple tiles or could it be integrated relatively easily and I’m just missing the forest for the trees.
Even just throwing a youtube video at me would help. I wanted to make the tile modular instead of having x number of tiles for ever possible road combination, and from the user perspective being able to draw the roads out albeit aligned to a grid would be more enjoyable than selecting various tiles for the same purpose.
Thanks in advance for any insights.