Whenever I try to open a widget the engine crashes, I have tried making a new project and widget, deleting the whole engine and re downloading it then creating a new project and a new widget I have yet to figure out how to fix it. many many hours of work have been completely lost and if I can’t fix this the whole engine is virtually unusable to make any actual games. It didn’t even give me a crash report when I click the view directory it doesn’t have any crash reports it just takes me to win64.
Do you mean any widget, or a specific one?
Also, even though you might not get a crash report, there is still logging you can look at. I had an issue where a crash report wasn’t generated, but the log contained the error that caused the crash, so it might be worth it to look for it and see what it has to say.
any widget, it is stated in the question even a completely new widget in a new project with a freshly downloaded copy of the engine causes it. also where is the log, the area that the log is in has well over 200 files and I don’t know what the log is called (I checked for the obvious ones like the key word “log” and things like that.)
Look in you \Saved\Logs directory for the log. You could even delete all the logs, then try running again and see what information is outputted to there.
The log would be named ‘ProjectName’.log. You can also check in the \Engine\Saved\Logs in your UE4 engine directory as well to see what else might be happening.
the only folder under the saved directory is “UnrealBuildTool”
4.10.2 (released 3 hours before this comment was made) fixed the error