Need help to integrate oculus 1.0 or later

Hi Epics,

I’m using UE4 source version 4.10, and trying to enable my oculus cv1.

At first I downloaded 4.11 source from github, and build development editor successfully, but failed when building debug editor.

It reports some chars in the code(most of them are from nvapi module, and OpenGLCommands.cpp) can not be saved in the current code page, then I followed every hint and resaved these files, build again.

And I encountered these errors:

[63/225] Link UE4Editor-Renderer-Win64-Debug.dll

2> creating library E:\UnrealProjects\UnrealEngine-4.11-Oculus\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Debug\UE4Editor-Renderer-Win64-Debug.lib and object E:\UnrealProjects\UnrealEngine-4.11-Oculus\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Debug\UE4Editor-Renderer-Win64-Debug.exp

2>Module.Renderer.9_of_9.cpp.obj : error LNK2011: precompiled object not linked in; image may not run

2>E:\UnrealProjects\UnrealEngine-4.11-Oculus\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-Renderer-Win64-Debug.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved external command

2> HeadMountedDisplay.generated.cpp

2> [65/225] Link UE4Editor-AndroidDeviceDetection-Win64-Debug.dll


Please help me out, thanks very much.



Sorry for missing some details. The problem occurred when compiling debug editor with my own project, I’ll try compiling a blank project to see if it still fail.

I just upgrade os to Win10 64bit, reinstall vs2015, and build my project with UE4.11 debug editor successfully, no error.

But I have problem with compiling UE4.10 only, looks like my vs2015’s default install path has space character, and going to reinstall vs2015 again…

This should be closed, reinstall vs is painful…