I’m currently developing a RTS game and all is going great but then, I got an idea that was, implementing an ui for each character, everything is working but the portrait of each one of them.
I want the portrait to be real time movement, for example, if I select a unit and see their ui (all stats and jobs and everything), their portrait would be almost like a camera, in front of him but recording and updating their movement in real time.
I can’t remember of an example right now but I’m sure someone knows what I’m trying to accomplish with this.
I tried something with render targets and scene capture components 2d, but when I spawn a new unit, the portrait always remains as the last unit’s view, even if I select and open another unit’s UI.
TL;DR: I want to insert a portrait in real time (moving if character is moving) for each RTS character in my project when I open it’s UI (already created).