Can someone please help me with this problem I’m having. I’m a newbie to Unreal, and I would GREATLY appreciate any help. I struggled for hours upon hours upon hours trying to get past this one issue to no avail. And it really seems like it should be very simple. So I want to make a game where you travel along in a boat and take pictures of wildlife from a 1st person view. Problem is, I cannot for the LIFE of me set the character (player) on a successful spline track. I’ve literally tried everything I can think of, done tons of research, and nothing. I can set actors and pawns on the tracks just fine, but when I try to do it with the player either nothing happens or they just lunge forward, gaining velocity. If someone could help me out with the blueprints of this I would appreciate it SO much.
have you tried get spline point then set actor location
I finally cracked it. I put in an actor cube, sent that along a spine, made it invisible, put my character on top of it, and locked the players movements (save mouse input). Not the best solution, but it definitely suits my needs.
I’m glad you figured out a solution, I would look into the construction scripts, You can “attach too” two objects together.
lets say you have your boat mesh, you can attach a socket or a Bone to the seat. you can then tell your Character to “attach too” that location. Then all you have to do is set up your Animation / pose
Nice! I think I’ll try that! Thanks for the advice!