Need help on how i can i make a text that showing in idle mode after 1 mins!

Hi guys!

I need a hand on this.
I want to be able to make a text appearing on the screen when the mouse is not moving or if i didn’t touch the screen after, lets say 1 min.
I don’t really know how can i possibly make this thing in blueprint.

And i got a bonus question for the pro!! hehe…

I’m working on something and i need to know how (in blueprint) i make this thing happen… I need to be able to save the entire change in game i make when i’m playing the game. I don’t have a inventory system on this game just some basic changes. like just moving some objects to another place or changing colors on objects. i just need to be able to save theses changes. Also don’t even know if it’s possible but… i want to save a text on a notepad that say wish color code as been choose in the level. But again… i don’t know how to proceed

If someone can help :slight_smile:

In your move / touch event : Add a text “hidden” (text upon character or bool sent to widget) and a retriggerable delay with a text “not hidden”

To save infos, use a game instance : (and said recently, (thx Fluchs ^^) don’t forget to set it as default in project settings under maps & modes)

Hey Thanks Fen! I will give a try!!

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

I’m just not sure how to proceed for the text appearing when there’s no activity with the mouse or with the keyboard for at least 1min.
What is the node i need to attach to my movement input to start with ?

If you set the addd text hidden / delay text not hidden in a custom event “sleepy”, you add this custom event for each event mouse / key then delay will be retriggered in all cases.

Okay i understand and it make sense when you said it, i also understand that is probably simple for you, hehe but it’s not clear for me, i’m a novice concerning blueprint.
I understand that i need to create a custom event then i need to add 2 inputs like, sleep and awake on it. then i don’t know wish node i need to attach on it like for my text, it is the draw text node? and where do i need to put my delay ?

Sorry for the lack of knowledge!

Fen tu peux aussi me parler en francais si tu aime mieux :slight_smile:

Not on forum in case of someone search infos in a thread but in pm or skype : bien sûr ^^

About text it depends what you want to do : it can be a text upon character visible only when sleepy, then a text added in character is enough. It can be a full screen text, then you need to create a widget and set it when needed.

Well in this case, i think it’s better to make a widget. I want to be able to animate the text.
So, if i create a widget, what is the workflow to make the widget appear when there’s no activity with the mouse or with the keyboard?

I just did some tries and there is trouble i didn’t expected : System works not bad (not perfect too, it needs some improvements) with non tick events like jump or defined keys but input axis events are ticked so delay is permanently triggered even when not used. I’ll try to find another way to do it when i’ll have time.

Okay, thanks for your time i appreciate :slight_smile: I will keep trying on my side.


Here is a working one (do right click / see pic to have it large) done with third person project :
All tick events will need to be set as the input axis ones as in movement input / mouse input. All click / key actions will need custom event “awake” to be added like in jump or key “L”
If you need more explanations, don’t hesitate.
Time before sleep screen is set to 5s to do fast check. Change it to 59s to have a min delay (as there is a 1s delay on first count)
This is a basic setting : events are not deactivated and game not paused. Depending of your personal need, some modifications may have to be done.

Edit : You’ll need to create the widget too ^^

Edit 2 : If you add a second camera then instead of showing widget, you can toggle camera and make it move around character for example and add a text / pic, facing camera with a zzz too.

WOW! You nailed it!!! It work like a charm! Seeing the work you’ve done in blueprint, it was more complicate then i thought!
Hey man… i have no words! You are the only one who answer to this post, like you see, if you haven’t nobody wouldn’t. Thanks for your time i appreciate alot!

It was interesting to solve ^^ I am happy that helped you :wink:

Edit : But i am sure that if no one else replied this is because they saw there was ever someone helping you. If not, you would have receive help from another moderator or an epic member :wink: