I m trying to make an attack combo for an enemy. The attack combo consist of 3 attacks. Here is the blueprint for my logic graph. But the problem is he only plays the combo3 animation halfway, then starting combo1 again…
Hi Portine, basically I control the AI’s attack by using “AI move to” and play the attack animations starting from combo1. Then after combo1 finished and if player still in range, play combo2, and so on. After combo3 finished, if player still in range, start the attacks from combo1 again.
I hope I make it clearer. Do you have a better suggestion?
Nope, I think that’s fine as it is.
The problem might be the exact time you’re calling the function to keep searching for the player/when the combo finishes, are you controlling this via Anim Notifies or something else?
Do you mind sharing where you call that “AtkCombo” Event?