Need help making the player character look at the target all time while locked.

Hi all, I am working on a first person project, which features ranged and melee style combats. In the melee style combat what I’d like to do is, lock an enemy (not the nearest enemy). On lock the player’s view is locked to the enemy, I do that by clamping the control rotation and I use the mouse movement to throw punches in 4 directions for now. So while the enemy is locked the player has no control over the camera through mouse movement, with this when I used my W A S D keys, I want to keep looking at the locked enemy and move accordingly. This is where I am facing the challenge. How can I keep my character looking at the enemy at all times, while its locked.

This is what I’ve so far from what I could find online so far.

Update on this, I finally figured out what i was doing wrong. This is what I did to make the player character look at the enemy at all times.

Thank you for posting your answer to your problem. That helps everyone.