So I’m having difficulty making a spawner work how I want. My idea and implementation so far is having an enemy blueprint, then I make another blueprint that spawns said enemy blueprint, the spawner will have a set number of enemies to spawn and add value of 1 to a variable it stores to keep track of how many spawn compared to the set variable limit. This part is what I’m struggling with. Whenever my enemy health is set to 0 and I send it to be destroyed, I want to update my spawner so it knows to decrease the current enemy count by one and spawn another one as long as it’s below the limit I set.
I’ve tried doing event dispatcher, but it doesn’t seem to work for me. My first solution was Get All Actors Of Class → Get → Target - EnemySpawnCount → Decrement Int → Set: EnemySpawnCount. But the big issue is that it only spawns my enemies from the first spawner I made after I kill the ones that it first makes. If I place a spawner in the middle and copy/clone one in the corner, every time I kill the ones in the corner, they come back from the center, but it’s keeping track of the limit I set. So rather than have 2 spawners constantly spawning 2 enemies for example. What it’ll do is spawn the initial 2 enemies on both. If I kill an enemy in the corner, it will spawn in from the spot in the center of the map. I will have one spawner spawn in new enemies with the limits of the other spawners combined. So 2 enemies from 2 spawners each becomes 1 spawner spawning 4 enemies.
What’s the easiest way to fix my spawners to spawn the enemies from the spawner they first come out of?