This my first creative map, and all has been going really well except the following:
I need help resolving 2 issues I am currently trying to figure out.
I have created a pregame lobby which includes the following:
Player spawn pads.
Mutator Zones (1 for each team, total 3 teams)
Alongside this at the spawn location for each team I have:
A teleporter
player checkpoint pad
Class selector; and
channel device
the mechanism is set up as follows:
On spawning into the lobby the player moves to the mutator device which corresponds to the team they wish to join;
When the timer hits 0 (On Success), the mutator zones are enable which triggers the teleport device.
On Teleport the players spawn into their respective team bases, triggering both the player checkpoint pad and the class selector (which assigns them to the current team). The player checkpoint pad triggers the channel device to register the player to the checkpoint.
During gameplay, if the player is eliminated they spawn back into their team base.
This is all working well, except for two issues:
The pre-game lobby runs concurrently with the game round timer… I need these to run sequentially – i.e. Pre-lobby timer > Game Start countdown > round timer.
The players will be playing 3 rounds per match, on completion of each round they should respawn into the gameplay map… not the pre-game lobby. Unfortunately at the end of each round they are re-spawning into the pre-game lobby requiring the whole team selection to be done again.
I assumed this was happening as I did not have any player spawn points in the world, as the teleporter and player checkpoint pad mechanism was working so well for the first round.
In order to attempt to fix this, I added player spawnpoints in the game play area, making sure that all settings for both the pre-game lobby and gameplay area were set accordingly:
Pre-Game Lobby Spawn Point:
Enabled Always
Use as Island Start: True
Priority Group: 2
Gameplay Spawn Pads
Enabled: Always
Use as Island Start: False
Priority Group: 1
Island Settings:
Spawn Location: Spawnpads
Spawnpad Selection: near team mates
Only allow respawn if spawnpads found: true
This did not work as now when the player spawns into the lobby, they are instantly loading into the game play area bypassing the mutator zones etc.
I have been digging around the internet for the past two days trying to resolve the issue but nothing I try seems to be working.
If someone could please offer some advice or guidance on how I can can resolve both issues I would be eternally grateful.
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Hey BattlePanda68,
Check your Island Settings, bypassing lobby could be the Autostart setting or the begin on max players setting below it.
You need a spawnpad per player expected, per area.
So if you have it set for 16 players, need 16 lobby spawns + 16 game spawns (or split up into however many players per team when maxed out.
The Class Selector for Team changes requires a respawn before a player changes teams, which may be messing with your game mechanics, because after the player spawns in game they are not changing teams, only getting flagged for team change on next respawn.
Are you able to link the Class Selectors Change Player to Team Function to the lobby mutators, on player entering zone event, that way when the game starts and they respawn they will start game as that team.
If you use gameplay spawnpads instead of player checkpoints, setting the spawnpads to the relevant team, the players will always spawn at thier team spawnpads.
Need to also consider what happens when a player joins after a game starts, or the defiant player who doesnt pick a team before game start.
I propose a fourth team for lobby area and lobby spawns set to team 4 so anyone who doesn’t pick a team stays in lobby until they do.
Which also requires some game phase class selectors that respawn player on team change, for joining players and those that don’t pick a team in pregame.
I think we have a bit of discussion to get it where you want it, let me know what you think so far…
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Autostart is set to False.
Max players is set to 30, and at the moment I am testing the map on my own.
Spawn pads 30 30
The class selector seems to be working as per my current set up as when I spawn into the game it is assigning the team correctly and this is reflected in the score. Also as the game allows for infinite re-spawns the players are respawning in the correct area.
the other issue which I cannot seem to find clear direction on is how to sequence the various timers, as mentioned in my original post, the countdown timer for the lobby actually runs in parallel with the game timer, instead of sequentially… not sure how much of an impact this has on the spawn mechanics but until I resolve the timer issue I cannot really tell.
Oh yeah, I forgot the pregame gets skipped because in Launched Session play mode, it doesn’t do the pregame phase, and starts from game phase.
Pregame can only be properly tested by playing from Private Upload, and this may be a reason why the timers are misbehaving.
You will also start out in Team 1 by default when testing.
Upload to a Private Version and give that a go
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I have been testing on a private upload. Working on sequencing the timers at the moment
Are you using a pregame event to start the pregame timer ?
no… I will have to look up how to do that… will get back to you. I tried to set up timers in verse, but they did not over-ride island settings. Will dig into the how to set up a pregame event 
I want to thank @BattlePanda68 for reaching out to me.
I made a tutorial showing an alternative method that I hope will assist with the issues he is facing or anyone else who also has the same issues.
After much testing it looks like using player spawner pads can create unstable results. So I created a tutorial showing an alternative that is a bit more stable. Please note that, it does respawn the players back into the pregame, however only for about 2 seconds. They are then spawned back into their team base to continue the game.
View the tutorial here
I disabled the class selectors device at the start of round 2 and 3 so that the area can just appear as a loading room. If you prefer to not see the class selectors at load up for round 2 and so on, then you can opt to disable the class selectors starting from round 1 - then after a certain time with a timer device - enable it so they can pick their teams, then in round 2 and so on keep it disabled so they never show.
You can also clean it up further, by allowing players to pick their teams via an input trigger device for round 1 only and have it disabled or hidden for rounds 2 and so on.
I can show you a quick video of what I mean by this if you need a visual.
In addition for the timer issue you were experiencing. You can see in the video how the timers start and stop at designated times. I also hid the main game timer by using the hud controller device so that players do not see multiple timers running at once.
If you do not like the look of the main game timer being mid center of the game at all times, you can create a timer using verse.
Here is a great tutorial by EPIC showing you how to do so:
You can then position this timer anywhere on hud! Which can come in handy!
I hope this information is helpful and hopefully provides some guidance.
Wishing you and everyone well on your projects!

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