Need help for custom project, solo play

I’ve looked around in the .ini files, but not seeing the variable I need to change…

I want to SLOW DOWN crafting speed. What variable needs changed to make that happen?

And while I’m asking questions, I want to make resource respawning happen once a real time month. Right now I have resource respawn speed set to 100.00. I am fairly certain that means I’ll have to play, real time, around 15 hours before something will “respawn” as a resource ingame. But I don’t know that for certain at this moment…

Can anyone help me with the SLOWING DOWN crafting speed? That would be the real question. Much, much appreciated!

To the best of my (admittedly somewhat limited) knowledge, there is no global multiplier for crafting speed. Modders can change the time it takes to craft individual items, but there’s no server or mod-able setting that will increase or decrease crafting speed that I’ve found.