Hello, I’m trying to recreate a shader and there are a couple of nodes that i can’t seem to find despite spending a lot of time searching for it online. First there are 2 blue nodes called VertexColorNormals as shown in this screenshot:
Second node i can’t find is a pink node called ApproxWorldSpaceNormal:
and the last one is something called a Curvature Filter.
Where did you get this example from? They look a bit like custom nodes or functions…
I got it from a showcase an artist i follow published there.
Problem is that breakdown is non-exhaustive so there are some parts i don’t really know how he did it since i’m not that familiar with Unreal.
Is there a way to recreate those custom nodes or functions?
July 28, 2023, 2:24pm
The curvature function is posted just below the node.
I also wonder if ‘vertex color normals’ is this
Otherwise, why is it disconnected? Strange explanation.
That’s what i understood, but i can’t find the Input Normal node and the Output result when i search for them int the material editor search bar.
Also, once i made that, is there something i need to do to make it so it becomes one node as shown in the exemple?
Oh yeah it may be that! But how do you put that in the custom node VertexColorNormals?
and how to create said custom node?
I’m guessing it’s a material function?
Ok i’ll have to go look into that, i’m not that familiar with it.
Hi! I am trying to recreate the same documentation, did you ever take it to completion? I’d love to get your guidance if you did : )
(Pixiebell Games 💼)
September 6, 2024, 5:30am
For the ApproxWorldSpaceNormal, it a re route node:
It is created near the input of Normalise and then being call from the Normal pin of the material(guessing by the image below)
February 13, 2025, 11:43am
Hello! Were you able to recreate the full shader?