Need help editing/sculpting this mesh.

I’m trying to use this mesh as a doorway into my pyramid but I cant enter through the opening for some reason. I am very new to this so I’ve just been experimenting with the modeling mode trying the plane cut and poly cut tools but those don’t seem to be the right ones. Any help or tutorial links would be much appreciated. Thanks!

if you can’t walk through the opening, it’s likely because the (invisible) collision geometry for this asset is blocking you. Here is a video explaining Simple and Complex collision and showing how to visualize/debug the collision geometry:

You can probably use Complex-As-Simple collision here, as explained in the video above, which you can turn on in the Static Mesh Editor (right-click asset, select Edit, then search for ‘collision’ in the settings panel). Or you can use the methods from the video above to try to automatically generate simple collision shapes that leave the hole open. Or I guess in this case you could also just add 3 boxes and scale them yourself, you can do this in the Static Mesh Editor as well.

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That worked Thank you !!