Hi everyone,
I’m am creating a Starfox inspired game and I am trying to recreate the stage clear sequence seen when you beat a level - Basically the camera circles around the ships.
Example here (skip to 4min in the video):
As you can see, it flows seamlessly from gameplay to cutscene.
I watched the Sequence tutorials found HERE, but the tutorial adds a mesh to Sequencer and then manipulates it. This doesn’t work for me because I want the sequence to play anywhere with the actual PlayerShip BP in the level (not the mesh added to sequence).
This is what I’m trying to achieve: Spawn master sequence at the end of the level and have the sequence “attached” to the Player Ship so the cameras circle around the ship for the sequence. I am trying to use Sequencer so I can use several camera cuts.
Here is my attempt at spawning a level sequence actor as a child of my Player BP so it follows the player, but this doesnt seem to work.
Any ideas on how I can achieve the sequence in the video? Is Sequencer the right tool for this?
Any help would be appreciated