Need Help Building 5.2.0 from GitHub

I am unable to find/install 5.2.0 via the Launcher, so I decided to download from GitHub and build. NOTE: I am not a developer/programmer, just a 3d artist wanting to try and use the Leia UE SDK for Lume Pad 2. I go through all the steps, installing Visual Studio 2022 and follow the README in the Git download. After the first build, I see this at the end of the Output window.

Next, I’m presented with these two Warnings:

I proceed to Install .NET to fix the “This project is targeting a version of .NET which is not installed.”

Not knowing how to resolve the "solution contains packages with vulnerabilities.) I attempt to do a new build. Here is the output from that:

My head is spinning and i’m spending too much time figuring out code and less time actually creating. I’m at a loss how to proceed. Why am I unable to roll back to version 5.2.0 via the Launcher? Is that even possible? The version I have installed is 5.2.1, but the Leia support says I need to use the version stated, which is 5.2.0. Any help on how best to move forward is greatly appreciated. Thx.

EDIT: Here are the two vulnerabilities. I click on the Advisory links, but there’s no instructions on exactly what I should be doing.

Did you found any solution for it? I’m really struggling this problem.

i have the same issue while building UE_5.2 , can any one help ?

First , you have the oldest windows SDK installed, install the newest one.

Second, to fix that error I see there , open this file:


Go to Line 513.

GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, (TEXT("Unable to find Action [%s] for Action Set [%s]"), *ActionName.ToString(), *ActionSet.ToString()));

and change it for this…

GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, *FString::Printf(TEXT("Unable to find Action [%s] for Action Set [%s]"), *ActionName.ToString(), *ActionSet.ToString()));
