Need Help: Animation BP Casting to "Meta Human" Main Character Not Working

Hey everyone,

I could really use some help. I’ve been searching online but haven’t found a solution. I’m hoping you can assist me with my problem.

I’ve created a new project featuring a Meta Human Character as my main character. I’ve set up everything, from the character, the camera to the standard movement Blueprints. Everything was working fine until I reached the animation setup.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 222332

As you can see in the images I’ve attached, everything seems to be set up correctly, except for the Main_Character_ABP or the Main_Character_BP itself.

In the last screenshot, the casted player is showing up as UNKNOWN, and I’m not sure why. I’ve set up everything, and I’m using a blank project as a base.

If anyone could help me resolve this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.

Best regards


It’s one or both of two things:

  1. Your values will only turn up once you are actually in PLAY MODE. Otherwise, the character does not exist.

Go to play mode and then look at the Animation Blueprint; it should update.

  1. You have a Blueprint called “BP_Andrew”. Make sure this is NOT the player character that you are using.
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thank you so much for your fast reply
sadly I was still not able to fix it and I dont really know what to to next

this Image was taken as I was in Playmode

this is the cast to Main again with an unkown class

I have even called “is Owning Actor” component

I have checked the Main_Character_BP and It is the “Main Player” as far as I can see

BP_ANDREW is just an actor but maybe I am overseeing something
these are BP_ANDREW class settings

and this is the MainCharacter Class settings + class defaults

if you need any more pics of something im missing out just tell me where and I will put them in.

Best Regards

Can you post a video or link to a video showing all of this in action, please?