I am building a Prop Hunt Minigame and am using the UEFN Prop Hunt example island as a foundation for my Verse code. I am struggling to figure out how to use a HUD message device to display a victory screen before the round is ended.
I can see in the code that there are 3 separate round end conditions defined and they are triggered using a race function, so the first event to occur ends the round. The 3 conditions are prop team player count is equal to zero, hunter team player count is equal to zero, and game timer ends the round.
I have been trying to define the scenarios in which either the props team or the hunters team wins, and then triggering a HUD device to show a victory message of either “props win” or “hunters win” using this to modify the EndRound function:
# Get any player to pass to EndRound
Players:player = GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
if (RoundEndInstigator := Players[0]):
Logger.Print(“Round ended.”)
if (PropTeam.Count() = 0): # Corrected for UEFN Verse syntax
else: # If hunters are eliminated or timer ends, props win
I already have HUD devices referenced as editables and I have added a Sleep(4.0) modifier to delay the round end screen to give time for the custom victory screen to appear, but nothing seems to trigger the HUD devices I have set up.
Any help is appreciated, thank you.