I have an issue with packaging my project. i have done it about a month ago and worked just fine. i tried today and now it won’t work, done all i can to figure it out but i’m so lost with this and was hoping someone could help me with this.
This is the output log i get when building for windows 64x.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Running AutomationTool…
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Parsing command line: -ScriptsForProject=“C:/Users/cheez/OneDrive/Documents/Unreal Projects/something/something.uproject” BuildCookRun -nocompile -nocompileeditor -installed -nop4 -project=“C:/Users/cheez/OneDrive/Documents/Unreal Projects/something/something.uproject” -cook -stage -archive -archivedirectory=C:/Users/
cheez/OneDrive/Desktop/Plushie -package -clientconfig=Shipping -ue4exe=UE4Editor-Cmd.exe -clean -pak -prereqs -applocaldirectory=$(EngineDir)/Binaries/ThirdParty/AppLocalDependencies -nodebuginfo -targetplatform=Win64 -build -utf8output
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Setting up ProjectParams for C:\Users\cheez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something\something.uproject
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ********** BUILD COMMAND STARTED **********
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Running: D:\Program Files (x86)\UE_4.21\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe something Win64 Shipping -Project=“C:\Users\cheez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something\something.uproject” -clean “C:\Users\cheez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something\something.uproject” -NoUBTMakefiles -remoteini=“C:\U
sers\cheez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something” -skipdeploy -nobuilduht -NoHotReload -log=“C:\Users\cheez\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Program+Files+(x86)+UE_4.21\UBT-something-Win64-Shipping.txt”
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Took 1.619201s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=0
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Running: D:\Program Files (x86)\UE_4.21\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe something Win64 Shipping -Project=“C:\Users\cheez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something\something.uproject” “C:\Users\cheez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something\something.uproject” -NoUBTMakefiles -remoteini=“C:\Users\c
heez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something” -skipdeploy -Manifest=“C:\Users\cheez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something\Intermediate\Build\Manifest.xml” -NoHotReload -ignorejunk -log=“C:\Users\cheez\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Program+Files+(x86)+UE_4.21\UBT-something-Win64-Shipping_2.txt”
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Using Visual Studio 2017 14.16.27023 toolchain (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023) and Windows 10.0.17763.0 SDK (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10).
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Parsing headers for something
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Running UnrealHeaderTool “C:\Users\cheez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something\something.uproject” “C:\Users\cheez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something\Intermediate\Build\Win64\something\Shipping\something.uhtmanifest” -LogCmds=“loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error” -Unattended -Warni
ngsAsErrors -installed
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(154) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(156) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(166) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(168) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(170) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(172) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(190) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(193) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(204) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(208) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(211) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(214) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(217) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(219) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(221) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(223) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(225) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(227) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(268) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(274) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(279) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(285) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(295) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(299) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(310) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(316) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(321) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerBaseEnums.h(327) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/BinPack/MultiPackerRuntimeBinPack.h(20) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/BinPack/MultiPackerRuntimeBinPack.h(22) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/BinPack/MultiPackerRuntimeBinPack.h(24) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/BinPack/MultiPackerRuntimeBinPack.h(26) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/BinPack/MultiPackerRuntimeBinPack.h(28) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/BinPack/MultiPackerRuntimeBinPack.h(30) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/TileUtils/TilePointer.h(16) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/TileUtils/TilePointer.h(18) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/TileUtils/TilePointer.h(47) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/Graph/MultiPacker.h(70) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(20) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(23) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(34) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(37) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(40) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(61) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(64) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(67) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(70) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(73) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(76) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Program Files (x86)/UE_4.21/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MultiPacker/Source/MultiPackerRuntime/Public/MultiPackerImageCore.h(79) : LogCompile: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
PackagingResults: Error: An explicit Category specifier is required for any property exposed to the editor or Blueprints in an Engine module.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Error: UnrealHeaderTool failed for target ‘something’ (platform: Win64, module info: C:\Users\cheez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something\Intermediate\Build\Win64\something\Shipping\something.uhtmanifest, exit code: OtherCompilationError (5)).
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Took 18.8610888s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=5
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ERROR: UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (C:\Users\cheez\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Program+Files+(x86)+UE_4.21\UBT-something-Win64-Shipping_2.txt)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): (see C:\Users\cheez\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Program+Files+(x86)+UE_4.21\Log.txt for full exception trace)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=5 (5)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults: Error: UnrealHeaderTool failed for target ‘something’ (platform: Win64, module info: C:\Users\cheez\OneDrive\Documents\Unreal Projects\something\Intermediate\Build\Win64\something\Shipping\something.uhtmanifest, exit code: OtherCompilationError (5)).
PackagingResults: Error: UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (C:\Users\cheez\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Program+Files+(x86)+UE_4.21\UBT-something-Win64-Shipping_2.txt)
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error