Need epic launcher's UE 5.3.1

Hi, how to get Epic Launcher Unreal Engine 5.3.1, If it has been updated to 5.3.2.?

Thanks for any help.

my guess is that you clicked on the Update button instead of the launch button.

The good news: “typically” for the engine a second decimal (x.x.#) in the version number is bug fixes and optimizations, while it is the first decimal and the whole number that is “major changes” some “most” everything should still work if not a bit better***

the bad new: typically because the second decimal changes are bug fixes and optimizations outside of pulling and building the engine source they are not retained for the launcher as they are “not optimal”, so the specifc answer is.


***the worse news: because these “bug fixes and optimizations” can be deep reaching it can mean the project may need to be updated, and that it is no longer compatible or that some functionality may be different especially if you were depending on a bug side effect. So if you are on a team technically everyone on the team will need to pull the update

possible Positive: if you can find someone who has the 5.3.1 source files/Binaries you could replace the files in place to be technically running 5.3.1 even though the button says 5.3.2

you can also launch your projects, and the editor itself directly from the UnrealEditor.exe and/or the projects [ProjectName].uproject to prevent such situations.

Hey there @9rus9! Welcome back to the community! As Gardian mentioned, it shouldn’t cause any project issues, however if you 100% do need a minor branch for any specific, you can also build it from the source in the worst case scenario. Though this gets technical if you’ve never compiled anything natively before, so I’d recommend making a backup and trying the bugfix build and it should be fine, for any reason it’s not you can try Gardian’s other measures. If not possible, you may need to resort to building the source code.

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