Need enemies to act differently on one level but their behavior resides within their blueprint

I tried to find a resolution to this but none quite fit. I’ve got a pool of enemies with behavior and states within their blueprint, so every level inherits the same enemies. It’s worked fine for my purposes until this one level. As it is now, they run randomly, you kill one, they ragdoll death, their bodies are hidden after 20 seconds. I’ve got a delay for them all to respawn after 70 seconds - it’s a type of infinite respawn wave that’s worked fine for me up until now. On just this specific level I need a specific number of these enemies, they can still run randomly around the map - but I need them not to respawn just on this level after 70 seconds. I’m thinking/hoping there is a ‘do not inherit this one aspect of their blueprint’ or something (I know, probably showing my basic level of knowledge here). I just want the amount that spawn to die and that ends the level. Here are the node structures I have now in the BP_Enemy:

I tried to include everything as well as a good description of my issue. If I missed something please let me know. Thanks!

You can use a game instance to set a bool. Then you can attach the bool to a branch before the respawn logic.

Edit: Actually, you might not even need to use the game instance. If it is its own separate level you might be able to have the level blueprint set a bool instead, depending on where you have the logic.