I have lots of meshes representing various electrical devices. I need to add LEDs to them that can be controlled/triggered from somewhere else. My approach at the moment is to add static mesh cubes (They slot into each LED port) and then create Events for each LED and link them up to a function that changes their material colour.
This approach means a lot of copying and pasting of nodes. I was wondering if there was a better approach?
I tried making a blueprint for a template LED but you can’t add blueprints inside of blueprints no?
I should clarify that I have lots of blueprints that each represent a device. Each device blueprint has similar functionality and I’m having to copy and paste that functionality to each at the moment. One bit of functionality is as I have posted above, LEDs that each get turned on/off by an event in the Level Blueprint. I want to be able to get my blueprint, add LEDs as static meshes to it and have the blueprint automatically give them the functionality, rather than having to keep adding it manually.
My current attempt so far uses ‘Get Components by Tag’ and then with a ‘For Each’ loop, trying to bind an event. That’s as far as I have got.