Hello, I’m currently making a system for see my inventory items in a 3d viewport (umg), with zoom pan and rotate around item.
I began to create a blueprint with all my rooms in it. There are several rooms because there are several kind of objects, for example the room where fishings rods are shown is bigger than the one for lures and also because I’m using a spring arm with a scene capture attached (rotate the spring arm makes the view rotate and moving scene capture locally on x makes the zoom, reducing arm length or decreasing fild of view doesn’t work for the zoom here).
Each I switch to a room, its spring arm is always at the same place so the view doesn’t reset and it’s what I want.
Everything works well like this, but after making 4 first rooms, I realised that putting 4 or 5 more will be heavy in the same blueprint.
I would really need an advice, I began to learn programmation, but I have only basis .
Would I rather make a blueprint with only one room, create an instance for each room and set their params? Place each instance in the level or in another BP?
Would I use only one room and set it’s size, light intensity, preview mesh etc each I switch item type ( and record position for view ) ?
Hope to get some answer , thanks a lot and have a good day