Need a quote from a UI designer for Shipping Simulator

Hi, I am currently in development of Shipping Simulator, a 2D UI based Time management game based off of Pocket Planes and Pocket Trains. I do not need a UI designer right now, however I would like to have someone who can give me a quote on the project, and who is available whenever the project is finished. I would estimate we are about 75% done with the game, although we still have to go back and do bug fixing and polishing. This is a paid position.

I need someone who can create and implement UI in Unreal Engine 4. Please send samples of your work.

If you are interested please Email me at:

Bump, still looking for a good UI designer.

Sent you an email.

Hey Clay, we talked about doing some animations in the past and I’d love to talk about UI design as well. I’ll shoot you over an email today and look forward to hearing from you. Cheers!