As the Panoramic Movie Market is so hot, I tried to Capture Panoramic file sequence by official or 3rd part plugin , it really worked ,but has many little bugs.
As UE4 has a so powerful sequence capture feature, it does perfect job in flat movie(sequence picture files) recording, it unite all the animation include transform, materials blending, even any plants, particle. It start to record when every things loaded completely. But it can’t capture Panoramic pictures in Capture setting.
Is there any way that we can just capture file as sequence capture do, but also capture panoramic picture sequences?
Or it will appears in future version of UE4?
I created a Sequence and then used the above in Level Blueprint.
My only problem is that I get skipped frames. I am trying to figure out a way around it.
These console commands doesn’t change the framerate during play :
-usefixedtimestep -FPS=60
Try play any project, show the FPS with ‘stat FPS’, you will see your FPS doesn’t change using these commands in the console.
I suggest you configure these values in Project Settings > Engine > General Settings > Framerate and set the fixed framerate you want to use
What version are you using? I am on 4.13.2.
When I set the frame rate using Engine>General Settings>Fixed frame Rate the Stats FPS shows the frame rate to be 60, even the panoramic capture jumps from frame 1 to say 50 and so on with a lot of missing frames.
When I launch the projects using
UE4Editor.exe “D:\Users\Hrishi\Documents\Unreal Projects\LAMTest 4.13\LAMTest.uproject” -game -usefixedtimestep -fps=60 -notexturestreaming
Stat FPS shows frame rate greater than 60 (120 in this case)
Okay. Finally got it working. This is my final Level BP. I had to increase my fixed frame rate to 280 through Engine>General Settings>Fixed frame Rate to eliminate missing frames. It could be because of the card being a 1080.
I tried for several times, it didn’t work, even I create a new standard scene.
Will your blueprint work also in editor mode? I use your blueprint in edit mode, but when I press the key, after the main view port turns to my level sequence view port, stay for several seconds and turn back. there’s nothing more happened, if this can capture the panoramic picture, where should i find the files in my disk then.
I am not very good at blueprint or programming, my mainly work is edit video, So if there is some basic knowledge that I didn’t have, please don’t laugh at me, and please tell me more details if it will not disturb too much
BTW, I am using 4.12, and I have already download 4.13,
I wish there will have a way to let panoramic capture can work as sequence capture editor as, I lock the frame rate to fix frame rate in config file or setting, it will no help to my project, lock rate will not lower than 15, but when capturing, the accuracy frame rate drop to 2.5 fps, but the wind makes grass or trees skip the frame to catch up with the fix frame rate or some thing like this, I don’t need this skip, it skipped automatic. In sequence capture , there has no skip, every thing is waiting for capture task done then to the next frame. how can we get this function in blueprint is my point
OK, I found there need a output path node, I can get my file, but it doesn’t look good, shall I turn to 4.13 to get better look, or if there any mistakes I made?
For the output folder, you can choose it as you like with SP.OutputDir C:/Path_To_Your_folder/ .
About the framerate, did you fixed your FPS and use the ‘usefixedtimestep’ settings ? (You can set these value at game launch, or in the additional Launch Parameters in Editor Preferences > Play > Play In standalone ).
Anyway, the creators of this plugin made a very great post HERE how to use this plugin, what works, what doesnt, and how to fix some issue.
It could fix your framerate issue (keep in mind that recording is a very long process, you will not see your game with a good fps ).
I didn’t know why is there some black blured lines, but if you got this settings : SP.VerticalAngularIncrement 30, it may be linked because you got 6 black lines ( one every 30 degrees, vertically speaking ). Is this a bug from the plugin when merging every part of the panorama ? You can try change this value to see if there is any change?
Did you add some PP effects, or some shadow ?
i think i have problems with panorama movie capture too, here i’m struglling to understand why the engine capture many repeated frames. for example: i set it to capture 0 to 100 frames with my framerate settings fixed on 60fps. So this render about 95% of same frames or way too slight changes on frames captured and when reach on the 100th it play the rest of animation without capture the need frames.
Are you having this problem too? if not, know what is going on? i have setup something like you on settings, tried with matinee and sequencer, booth gave me this behavior and there is no information anywhere about what is going on and what i’m missing.