Need a metahuman that can play animations on key press

I’m a newbie to UE and still learning the basics, so I could really need some help to speed up a project I’m trying out and hope someone here can help me.

I’d need a Metahuman character in third person mode that I can control with keyboard keys, so it can play animations combined with saying stuff with facial movements. Right now I have a Metahuman in a third person environment that I can move around like normal, but it needs some retargeting when I try to make it play animations that I’ve downloaded from Mixamo, because some of the body parts doesn’t stay together with the rest of the body. There’s probably a much smarter way to make this, so if someone could make a Metahuman for me that can do the things I need it to, then I’d really appreciate it and hopefully we can agree on a fair price for the job.

The requirements are:

Third person player

Metahuman, Female, cute long haired bimbo type with nice body, clothes should be pretty and a little suggestive but not vulgar

Be able to play different imported animations (gestures and movements) when pressing certain keyboard keys

Be able to make facial expressions (with Live Link???) combined with the imported animations, preferably from audio speech recordings. These have to be fairly easy to add to, so I can import new animations etc.

The surroundings are not important, since I’ll be changing them

Hope someone can help.