Need A Book For The Introduction To Game Programming And C++

I’m in need a beginning level book I can purchase for programming using C++. I have little to no prior knowledge of computer programming. I have experience in UE4, I level designer and audio engineer. I want to learn how to program code. Also if possible, recommend a book that explains blueprints. I tried learning via YouTube but I need a physical copy of a book that I can read to understand the lessons/tutorials. You can name the books or reply with links (Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, etc.)

Thank you in advance everyone!

from the creator of c++:

I’m not aware of any blueprints book, but there is nothing to learn there, it’s a tool for trying to make an artists write some developer code, and you can guess the results

Thank you so much! Much appreciated!

Learning C++ through programming Unreal Engine.

They also publish a load of books about Unreal, including Blueprints.

Please dont link the “The C++ programming lenguage” book for novices. Its a hugely complex book, meant for people who already have an idea about programming.
My personal recomendation its “C++ Programming for games, module 1” this PDF book. Its a free one, and its the one I used to learn c++ when i had little to no idea about programming. This one shows the basics of c++ in a way more newbie friendly way.
Anyway, Strousoup(C++ designer) does have a more begginer friendly book, wich is this one: . I havent read it, but if you want a book from the lenguage creator, this one its a lot more recomended than the other one. The other one its more like a dictionary, it just shows the different features of C++, but doesnt really teach how to program.

Sorry, my bad. I have a java background, so sometimes I miss what would seem impenetrable for a complete newbie to OOP. :slight_smile: I completely forgot to check the level it is aimed at.:eek:

(It does say it will help you “get started”, but you are not wrong about the size. It’s a bit of a monster!)

^ That book is way too extreme man

Actually It’s not that big, I bought it. The problem is that It is incredibly boring.

My advice would be to not read anything at all at first.
I made my first project by using one of the starter template and by copying some code from the content examples. Then I just implemented step by step by googling/guessing with blueprints and finally I translated everything to c++ using the intellisense.
answerhub is also a great place to move step by step. Need to spawn a particle system? use answerhub and copy/paste the code that you find.

when you will need something more complicated like templated methods you will then need a book.

If I can give you another tip, never use c++ directly, always expose everything to blueprints and call functions/bind to events from blueprints.
blueprints alone are a nightmare (impossible to maintain) and c++ it is even worst (slow compilation times and lack of proper intellisense), but combined you will have a bit more flexibility.

quite often a blueprint method with the same name as a c++ method will not have the same parameters and sometimes they will not even behave the same, so you cannot really translate directly blueprints to c++.

Accelerated C++ is hands down the best C++ book for beginners there is.