I’m using a tutorial to learn Toony Outlines but at one point, it mentions using a Screen Position node, but there’s two outputs for it now, ViewportUV and PixelPosition. Which one do I use?
Wich tutorial are you using? Because I did this kind of thing 1 day ago and it warked percly well :3
This one: UE4 - Tutorial - Toony Outlines (request) - YouTube
It’s not because it’s not working for me, I just don’t know what to use. Like I said, ViewportUV and PixelPosition are now in the node.
It’s at 5:43.
When is him saying that in the tutorial? I mean what is the time code :3
Use the ViewportUV node
Difference between ViewportUV and PixelPosition outputs is well explained here in Material Improvements section Screen Percentage with Temporal Upsample | Unreal Engine Documentation
In most cases you will want to use ViewportUV output (;