So I took a break because I was stumped to work on some other stuff. I’m back on this and ran into a problem with playing the video using the media player. When I load the level into the editor for the first time the video is not displayed on the movie screen it is blank, but after I interact and play the video one time the video is always visible. I’ve tried various hidden versus visible settings and just haven’t gotten the right combination to work yet, to make the video hidden after it is done playing & after the player stops interaction with menu. I’ll post a video to go along with this, but essentially, i’ve got two blueprints one is the Player BP and the other is the Movie Screen BP and in this moviescreenBP i’ve added a widget component. This widget component is assigned to the screenwidget which is just an image assigned to a media player / material (basically the converted video). In my game hud widget I created a simple vertical menu with buttons and one button is labeled play video. This button just uses open source to play the video. It works fine but after I use it the first time the video is loaded on the widget component and won’t hide itself. I want it to hide it self so when I click on a different option in the vertical menu that widget appears and is played/loaded/shown etc. Then when complete or the player leaves it is hidden. I’m essentially done with the 7 tasks as soon as i figure out how to show and hide the widgets. give me a few min. and i’ll post the video.
basically the screen BP is a holder for all the widgets we want to display. The movie, an image, etc… The game hud menu uses buttons with on click events and launches the selected video/image/action. The player blueprint contains the functionality for creating the game hud based on a button press and an overlap condition. The current problem is that I can’t figure out how to get visibility set correctly on the video. No matter where I try to set or hide the visibility of the video I can’t get it to appear using set visibility. If we can figure this out I can essentially copy my blueprint nodes to display an image etc…