Need 3 Devs & 1 Artist - Asymmetrical FPS with VR Support

[ROYALTY] Need 3 skilled UE4 developers to help on an Asymmetrical FPS with VR Support and 1 Artist for Concept and Promotional Art.

Project Title:
Monster Island (working title, subject to change)

Max 32 players per match. With max of 4 Monsters (VR Only) and Max 28 Mercs (VR or Pancake PC)

Progress of Features:

  • Main Menu [Alpha Done]

  • Quick Match [Alpha Done]

  • Join Match [Alpha Done]

  • Host Match [Alpha Done] (works online and LAN, but needs to enforce conditions of match, specifically the max Monsters, and max Mercs condition limits)

  • Character Selection [Alpha Done] (but needs some polish)

  • Merc Perk Selection and Functionality [Alpha Started] (need help here)

  • Monster Perk Selection and Functionality [Alpha Started] (need help here)

  • Map Selection and Level Design. [Alpha Started] (need help here).

  • Character Rigging and Animations for Mercs is fine for the time being. (need help here) however will likely need improvements as time goes on.

  • Currently limited to PC mouse and keyboard input, however VR support is on the todo list.

  • Character Rigging and Animations for Monsters is very basic and needs to be done on a per monster basis. since the monsters are different somewhat. Currently only focusing on the “Troll” monster and need to attempt to follow the logic of: Super-easy VR body with Arm IK and thumbstick locomotion - Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - YouTube for rigging upper body for IK. (need help here)

Team Name:
Undecided (open to suggestions, I’m looking for partners to help finish this game with)

Team Structure**:**
I am Lead Designer, You would be the Lead Developer’s and Lead Artist

Talent Needed:
3 Lead Developer’s and a Lead Artist

  • 1 Developer To take the lead on the Mercs functionality (earn 10% of game sales after distribution fees)
  • 1 Developer To take the lead on the Monsters functionality (earn 10% of game sales after distribution fees)
  • 1 Developer To take the lead on the Level design and functionality of interactivity for the games objectives. (earn 10% of the game sales after distribution fees)
  • 1 Artist to take the lead on the concept art and promotional art. (earn 5% of the games sales after distribution fees) a
  • Willingness to take constructive feedback in order to achieve the intended unique and fun game play this game can have if done right.
  • Must have Github account to collaborate on this project.

Not done yet, coming soon.


Starting with the Troll Monster Class we will need to do the following:

  • Upper Body: Needs VR IK setup for Arms… reference (Super-easy VR body with Arm IK and thumbstick locomotion - Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - YouTube)
  • Lower Body: Needs Animations Running, Jumping, and Turning. (Direction Controlled via D-pad on Left Motion Controller)
  • A Grab Ability with Motion Controllers via Grips Input. Used to Grab Class Weapons and or Grab Enemy Mercs.
    (if Merc is Grabbed, ability to swing them around as melee weapon, as well as rip them in half would be ideal.)
  • Hit Box Needs to fixed to the mesh of the character.

The Troll Monster Class