Video Link: Necromancer Gone Wrong
Student Submission: No
Credits to sourced content:
Megascans for the environment and textures
FluidNinjaVFX for some particle effects
Zombie corpse from sketchfab by DJMaesen
Sound and music from epidemicsound
I made this necromancer in a graveyard scene in UE5. I created the necromancer myself using some ai concept art I generated and 3d model it. I model some of the stuff myself like the gravestones, mausoleum, and some other stuff. I really wanted to incorporate the astral plane dimension in some way and I was able to using some light tweaking. I also used a lot of niagara particles emitters for this scene, hopefully it wasn’t a bit overkill. Well I hope you guys like it as much as I do.
Very entertaining video. The body napping was definitely not expected. 
The graveyard itself looks spectacular - rolling fog, gothic architecture, and a uniquely designed necromancer? Oh my! One of the features that really stuck out to me is the use of color in the background. Seeing life on the edge of the cemetery gives this feeling of something being just “wrong” with the graveyard - like the ghosts themselves are keeping any grass from growing. Don’t know if that was intentional or not 
Great submission and good luck with the challenge! Definitely a favorite of mine.
Thank you so much, I was really trying to give that grime gothic vibe in this scene and it looks like I succeeded
. I didn’t add any grass cause I wanted to seem like dry cemetery deprived of life and I also didn’t want any color until the astral plane scene where I play with different color emitters to give that feeling like it’s different plane of reality.