Necromancer's Quest, a NES-style retro RPG

So, I’ve started developing my next game, this time following the limitations of the ever-so-popular NES/Famicom. The game itself is an RPG, inspired by retro RPG games like Dragon Quest, Phantasy Star and Final Fantasy.

The plot:
You play as Urulu, a necromancer who descends down to the Underworld to resurrect her best friend. Problem is, she has no idea where in the Underworld her best friend might be, so the only option is to start searching all around. Eventually Urulu finds out her friend’s soul has been cut into several pieces and that in order to resurrect her, she has to gather all the pieces. As if fighting your way through the Underworld’s hungry souls wouldn’t be hard enough as is…

Gameplay revolves around exploring around the Underworld, searching for the soul pieces and once you meet a hostile soul you duel them one-on-one in turn based combat (just like in Dragon Quest). The catch is, all actions require you to use your life force, the very thing keeping you alive, i.e. HP, MP, AP are all one and the same value, and you need to be careful with how you use it.

here’s a video of the prototype:

And, considering my history and incapability to keep up with steady progress updates, I don’t know when the next time I update this discussion will be, but I will try to remember to update this whenever I have something update worthy…


So now we got the first dungeon done, there’s a bunch of new stuff and fine tuning done but there are still more things left to iron out, especially with balancing.
But it good enough for a prototype…

I’m still working on the second dungeon, the first boss, item stuffs, etc for the next milestone…

but I just wanted to show off the first pause menu (that’s right, there’ll be two)

and I’m especially proud of getting the transition working the way I wanted, so now it really has that old NES feel.

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Hi there @BulletEye,

Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season :slight_smile:

As soon as I saw the art style I immediately got stoked. The art is charming and gives that lovely nostalgia feeling. So glad I stumbled on this thread. Definitely going to keep up with this one :slight_smile:

For the first update of the year, I now got the second pause menu ready. This one will replace the first one once you pick up the coffin, which will enlarge your inventory.

I always found it funny how characters (no matter the size of your party) could just carry on nigh infinite amount of items and equipment without any baggage. But I also don’t like it when your inventory remains limited for the entire game in an RPG (especially as someone who just hoards items and equipment and never uses or sells them). So I included both options in my game, you are not required to pick up the coffin, you are not required to lug it around (you can just use it as a deposit box, like in Resident Evil) and you also are not required to complete the game with a very limited inventory… i.e. you have choices.

I also finally added legit controller support (what would a NES-like game be if you couldn’t use a controller to play it) and as always, setting up native PlayStation controller support is a pain in the butt when it comes the Dpad set up.

Does anyone know of a better way? Why can’t we have a PlayStation controller supported natively by Unreal? Why doesn’t Microsoft want to add drivers for their competitors’ controllers to make them natively supported? And why do the different PS controllers have different Dpad values?.. These are the questions I ponder every time I have to copy-paste this once tried-tested method for getting them to work nicely without DS4Windows…

But anyhow, now that I got my menus and my controllers, it’s time to get back to upgrading the dialogue system and adding a boss battle…

Also, thank you @PresumptivePanda, I indeed had a nice holiday season, hope you did too.

I’m glad you like the art style as the whole basis for the design, especially on the art side, is to make everything as close to NES’s limitations as possible. This includes considering both resolution and palette usage, instead of just “some 8-bit looking pixel art”.
This may just be me, but working with clear limitations tends to be more fun then just working with “the sky as your limit” as the engine currently allows (if that is even the limit still).

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This may just be me, but working with clear limitations tends to be more fun then just working with “the sky as your limit” as the engine currently allows (if that is even the limit still).

Totally understandable :slight_smile: Makes beginning a bit less daunting as well.

I’ve now (more-or-less) finished the battle system, with not only attacks, but item usage, guarding and escaping also working.
I also have attack effects, both visual and audial implemented…

…which means I can now move on to building the first town.

Okay so it’s once again been quite a while since my last post, but I have a good excuse for it:
I started making the town and started the shops and the shopping system, which led me to setting up the pause menu for the items and equipment which led me to overhauling my combat system, which took time…

So let’s start with the shopping system:

I started building it as a basic buy - sell type store front you see in… practically all games, but then I started thinking about how much I always hate it when I first have to sell something then buy new equipment - equip it and then sell the old equipment… I mean, why not just do it all at the same time?
This idea led me to making a trader’s store system where instead strictly buying or selling, you are actually trading, so both selling and buying at the same time. (I also figured I could use this with some characters that only want to trade certain items for certain other items, not accepting pure life force as is).

Next the pause menu item handling:

Here, the most important aspects are the “add life”, “enchant” and “divide” functions.
The add life function (still trying to come up with a better name for it in the menu) allows the player to infuse the vessels with life, strengthening their effects and making them more useful.
Enchanting should be fairly self-explanatory, the player enchants the vessels with a spell thus giving the vessel the effects of that spell, thus making the vessels even stronger, and possibly even making the spell itself stronger through the vessel.
The divide function shouldn’t be too difficult to understand either, it essentially divides item groups. While at first it may seem a bit unnecessary (at least according to my brother) it does have a purpose. Since the adding of life is done to all items in the group as is enchanting, you might want to divide your items so that they may for example have different enchantments per group and/or you might want to also divide them by strength, i.e. having a few items with more life added that you save for harder enemies and some items with less that you use for easier enemies.
There is also a quickslot which is for battle and break/discard which, well, destroy the item and return any life force added to it back to the player.

and lastly combat:

So I decided to fully commit to the consumable battle system, where you mainly fight by using items and casting spells. The style is inspired partly by Rin Tohsaka from Fate/Stay Night who uses crystals imbued with magic to fight and half by my own hoarder tendencies as I avoid using consumable items in games as much as possible and figured I’d make a battle system built entirely for hoarders just to spite myself. It’s also good to note that while all other items and equipment, or “vessels”, are used as consumables in battle, equipped equipment isn’t and they can be used as many times as needed, but they also weaken with each use, meaning that all their effects on you grow weaker the more you use them offensively.
Firstly there’s the quickslot, which essentially functions as the basic attack command so you don’t always have to go through an extra menu window or two just to attack (this was inspired by my brother).
And lastly there is the overhauled magic casting system, which I decided to turn into a memory/password type casting instead of just picking a spell from the list. The reason for this (and quite frankly the reason for the whole revamp) was that the original battle system as is, felt boring. The first thing I started focusing on making more interesting was the magic system and the first thing the popped into my head as I was thinking about cool magic attacks was actually the finishers from DBZ Budokai 3 which have you choose a button to that your opponent has to guess, if they fail three times you finisher lands with a really cool animation and everything. So at first I thought maybe adding in a QTE where you would essentially have to cast the spell correctly before the opponent attacks, failing to do so would mean failing the spell. My brother however vetoed the idea saying that one of the main reasons people (like myself) play turn-based RPGs is that they do not require quick reflexes, instead relying on thinking and planning. And I agreed. So I stepped back a bit thinking of other ways to make the spells more interesting to use and remembered the Blitz abilities from Final Fantasy VI, which I quite recently beat, where you have to input a specific button combination after activating the ability to choose which Blitz attack you want the character to use. This also reminded me of Wizardry where you have to manually input the spell you want your characters to use and have to remember each spell by name, much like the blitz attacks.
So I figured “why not try the same?” and now the spells have to be learned not only by the character but by the player too if you want to use them.

That was a long post, and now that all of that is done, I think mechanically the game should be mostly finished par polishing and adding some exceptions to certain system. Which leads my focus onto art and writing for now, and while the first town’s blueprint is mostly finished, it’s still missing its residents, so I think the next post will be once I gather up some willing souls to inhabit the (literal) ghost town.

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Love the music in this zone. Super old-school charm-y. Can’t wait to see those ghostly residents soon :slight_smile:

So, it’s been a while since the last update… and I would like to say I have good reason and a lot to reveal. But while my reasons may be good, my revelations may not.

So, it all started with the writing of the dialogue for the NPCs (as all good excuses do)… I had written the dialogues for half of the citizens (there are like 50 altogether), and then I ran into trouble. “What to write?” “What would the NPCs talk about?” “How had they lived?” “How had they died?” “Where are they from?” “When are they from?” And so on, did my pondering and wondering lead to writing some lore. I kept it simple and on the big-picture-level at first. But as I was writing I realized I needed more depth, and more depth still I wrote.
Time passed and other work slowed me down. Months passed and eventually the year changed… and here we are today, still writing (might as well write a book soon with what I have)…

And in other news, since I thought I should once again start doing something to bring the project forward, I started rebuilding and restructuring the code for the battle system, in the hopes of making it a bit simpler and easier to read and write and customize.

And now that I started doing that, I figured might as well play with some new ideas and features to try and make the battle system as fun as possible… by no means does that mean that I am completely throwing away the system I had previously build. I’m simply looking to make it more fun.

But here’s to a new year and (hopefully) a lot more progress!