Necessary Prerequisites have failed to install when installing the Epic Games launcher. error code: SU-PQE1223 already tried everything still failed.
Open My Computer and right click on the system drive (C: in my case, even though I was installing it to D:), click on Properties.
Click on the Security tab, and then click on Advanced. Ensure the SYSTEM user is there and that it has Full Permissions (mine did, so I didn’t think anything was wrong).
Even if it already has Full Permissions, click on “Change Permissions” on the bottom with the UAV shield icon on it.
On the bottom of this screen, after ensuring SYSTEM has full permissions, check the box at the bottom that says “Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object.”
Click Apply and it might ask you to once again grant it permission and then it will go through all files and folders on your system drive and re-apply those permissions.
It will throw errors about the pagefile and other things saying it can’t modify those, which is fine. Those are all files that are currently in use by the system and don’t want to touch those anyway.
After it completes, or during it may say the Recycle Bin has become corrupted and you will need to empty it. Go ahead and click OK and everything should be good to go.
Like I said, there isn’t any reason a fresh install of Windows shouldn’t have the System account have full access to everything. It’s really weird. Hopefully the admins here can add this to their toolkit to help with people experiencing these weird errors.