I get an error when I try to build a game for Android. While reading the log I noticed something strange about the path of ndk-build.cmd (see the slash before ndk-build.cmd):
Running: C:\Program Files\Android NDK\android-ndk-r10b/ndk-build.cmd NDK_DEBUG=1
In this case the NDKROOT variable was: C:\Program Files\Android NDK\android-ndk-r10b
I tried changing it by adding a backslash at the end, so it became C:\Program Files\Android NDK\android-ndk-r10b\
This resulted in:
Running: C:\Program Files\Android NDK\android-ndk-r10b\/ndk-build.cmd NDK_DEBUG=1
Another had this in his log (there is no separator after “C:”):
Running: C:NVPACKandroid-ndk-r9c/ndk-build.cmd NDK_DEBUG=1
It may not be the reason for the failed build (who knows), but in any case it seems the way the path is handled needs to be fixed.
Additional info:
I just downloaded and setup everything according to the guide, all up to date. Using: Nexus 4 (Android 4.4), UE4 4.4.3, Windows 7 x64, Android SDK x32 rev. 23.0.2 / 20, JDK x64, Android NDK r10b (x64 for windows, x32 for output).
I did not use the automated TADP to install all the SDK’s etc. I did it manually and set all environment variables. (However I believe this has nothing to do with the problem). I have followed all steps from the guides (https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Platforms/Android/index.html)
I tried ATC and ETC1 texture compression. I tried building the Sun Temple Mobile project and also my own project.
LogPlayLevel:Display: Running: C:\Program Files\Android NDK\android-ndk-r10b/ndk-build.cmd NDK_DEBUG=1
LogPlayLevel:Display: BuildCommand.Execute: ERROR: BUILD FAILED
LogPlayLevel:Display: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception:
LogPlayLevel:Display: Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: ndk-build failed [NDK_DEBUG=1]
LogPlayLevel:Display: Stacktrace: at UnrealBuildTool.Android.UEDeployAndroid.MakeAPK(String ProjectName, String ProjectDirectory, String OutputPath, String EngineDirectory, Boolean bForDistribution, String CookFlavor)
Full log: [link text][1]
DxDiag: [link text][2]
16383-build+log.txt (481 KB)
[2]: 16384-dxdiag.txt (26.2 KB)