NDK r21b not installing

Just installed 4.25 and can’t seem to get it to pull down the NDKr21b for some reason? I’ve followed the instructions here How to Set Up Android SDK and NDK For Your Unreal Engine Development Environment | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation and initially had an error with the repositories.cfg file not appearing, but I’ve created one and now that error has gone. I’ve downloaded 4.25.1 so the lldb;3.1 doesn’t exist so it’s not there to delete.

When I try to run the SetupAndroid.bat file I get this:

Android Studio Path: "C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio"
Android Studio SDK Path: C:\Users\##\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
Using sdkmanager: C:\Users\##\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat
[=======================================] 100% Computing updates...

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.
Press any key to continue . . .

If I press a key it closes and nothing else happens. There is no SDK license agreement to accept

The location where the ndkr21b file should be is a folder called: 21.1.635246
Going into the UE4 editor the accept SDK License is greyed out.
Anyone else having this problem? Any solutions would be much appreciated.


Thanks, strangely, after posting this question, I tried to package anyway and it worked! So now I’m confused as to why it worked!? I’ve downloaded the ndk and got it incase it stops working. Thanks for the link.

download and instal ndk in this video : Android NDK not found Unity - YouTube

setup unreal sdk and jdk and ndk :

Now I understand what do you need. Try to follow instructions https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Platforms/Mobile/Android/Setup/AndroidStudio/index.html and if no you should read here more about spy apps and how to secure and control your life

Good to hear that it works now. Just some other issue I came around: I had already an SDK installed for other purposes before going with UE4. This seemed to have left some artifacts in environment variables and I had to setup the SDK Config section in my project settings manually to make if work.

Now I understand what do you need. Try to follow instructions How to Set Up Android SDK and NDK For Your Unreal Engine Development Environment | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation and if no you should [read here][1] more about spy apps and how to secure and control your life



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