Hello, I’ve been following this tutorial that was recommended to me about a virtual production set up with nDisplay, Switchboard, and a camera tracker. It’s for a previous version, but is said to work with 5.0 nDisplay with Vive Tracker in UE4 (Tutorial) - YouTube
I don’t understand where the LiveLink data is being sent to in his blueprint. He throws out a version of the blueprint and makes a new one that doesn’t seem to be feeding the LiveLink controller data into anything. (the link above jumps to this part) He keeps the LiveLinkComponentController variable, but it seems to go unused. When I play the scene through Switchboard there doesn’t seem to be any camera control or a frustum moving around. Did he possibly leave something out?
I’m using an Oculus HMD/controller instead of a Vive tracker, but I know LiveLink is communicating with it through SteamVR the same way as he’s doing it.
I can control an object directly if I add a LiveLinkComponentController component to it, but that doesn’t seem to be what I’m supposed to do in his setup.
I’m just using the Oculus as a DIY test before I go into my work’s studio with a MARS setup, but I don’t know if switching to a Vive tracker is going to make it work. I’m not seeing what part of his blueprints are actually applying transformations to the camera.
Am I missing something? Any better tutorials to try out?