I’m experimenting with Unreal Engine on Linux and in containers. Everything is working great for the most part. Switchboard doesn’t seem to be compatible with Linux yet, so I launched an nDisplay render instance on my Linux machine manually by altering the command that Switchboard would usually send. This works great, and starts up nDisplay in my X session, but the image looks like this:
If I open the same level in the Editor, in the same X session, everything looks fine.
Here is the command I’m using to launch the instance:
Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor \
"/home/ue4/Unreal Projects/Home_Setup_2/Home_Setup_2.uproject" \
-game \
-messaging \
-dc_cluster \
-nosplash \
-fixedseed \
-NoVerifyGC \
-noxrstereo \
-xrtrackingonly \
-RemoteControlIsHeadless \
-StageFriendlyName=Render_Node_1 \
-MaxGPUCount=1 \
-dc_cfg="~/Unreal Projects/Home_Setup_2/Home_Setup_2-1.ndisplay" \
-dc_dev_mono \
-useallavailablecores \
-dc_node=Render_Node_1 \
Log=Render_Node_1.log \
-ini:Engine:[/Script/Engine.Engine]:GameEngine=/Script/DisplayCluster.DisplayClusterGameEngine,[/Script/Engine.Engine]:GameViewportClientClassName=/Script/DisplayCluster.DisplayClusterViewportClient,[/Script/Engine.UserInterfaceSettings]:bAllowHighDPIInGameMode=True \
-ini:Game:[/Script/EngineSettings.GeneralProjectSettings]:bUseBorderlessWindow=True \
-unattended \
-handleensurepercent=0 \
-ExecCmds="DisableAllScreenMessages" \
-windowed \
-forceres WinX=0 WinY=0 ResX=3840 ResY=2160 \
Ignore the backslashes at the end obviously, that’s just to add line breaks in the command since it’s so long.
No errors seem to be appearing in the console. I originally had some OpenColorIO errors that resulted in only the frustum showing up, but that also had the rainbow colors and I’ve since disabled that plugin completely.
Anyone have any ideas what would be causing these rainbow colors to show only when in nDisplay?