nDisplay failed to open descriptor file in 2nd computer (4.27)


I am trying to use nDisplay between two computers over the local network (ipv4). The project is in the master computer’s hard drive and shared with the slave computer. The network connection has been tested with ‘Kill’ button, and the slave has opened the project file, and ‘listener’. However, while running the ‘Launcher’, the slave computer is showing the message failed to open descriptor file …/…/Project/Project.uproject, and crash.

I previously tried the same thing with UE4.26.2, and same error occurred. Could you propose any solution?

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I found the solution. Previously the project file was in the master machine, shared with the slave machines. However, when I create a share drive in one of the slave machine, and save the project from master machine to that shared drive, the problem solved.

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