Hello there!
I’m creating an immersive experience for an architectural project using NDisplay in an Immersion Room. (Dimensions: 7x4m. Front wall, sides, and floor projection)
Currently, we have the whole app developed, 3D widgets, UI widgets, and everything works perfectly in a single monitor.
The problem happens when we use ndisplay and try to interact with the created widgets in different screens.
It happens that as we are using large and complex resolutions all the “rendered image” looks correct but all the widgets referenced to world and set to screen seem to be rendered in the wrong screen position.
It’s very hard to explain.
This is an example of a hotspot in played in the editor viewport, (look at the position, it should be in the corner of that cube)
And this is an example of the NDisplay app, where you can see that the hotpost is slighly offset from the poisition it should be)
Is there a way to have the final output with all the widgets positioned in the correct world position in NDisplay? This problem also affects some mouse interactions with world-positioned objects such as furniture.
Thanks a lot!