nDisplay and Optitrack using VRPN

Good Afternoon,

I’m trying to create a Cave display using a single computer, with 4 projectors… in dual pipe 3D.
using nDisplay and Optitrack for perspective based tracking.

The desktop looks like this:

With the console monitor being a standard 1920x1080 screen, and the mozaic window made up of 8 2560x1600 outputs. Giving a total resolution of 10240x3200

The nDisplay setup looks like this:

I have succeeded in outputting to the projectors, however I have noticed that unless I select ‘fullscreen’ within the nDisplay config, the tediously setup VRPN system is not active. The root viewpoint perspective remains unchanged, and the controller doesn’t move the ‘crosshair’ around the room.

However, set it all up on the console monitor, with each viewport as a tiny version of itself, and everything works, OR if I just click the “fullscreen” checkbox on the cluster, I can see the VRPN system working… however it’s then only displaying on the console screen.

I doubt it’s a hardware issue, this machine is running 3xRTX8000 cards, and twin AMD Threadripper CPU’s, with more RAM than most people have HDD space.

nDisplay Config uploaded.

NDisplayWQXGA_Config.uasset (58.6 KB)