NDI Packaging Project

Hi Everyone,

Need some help here, I’m trying to package my project and it uses the NDI Plugin but everytime I try it keeps giving me an error message:

ERROR: Missing precompiled manifest for ‘NDIIO’. This module was most likely not flagged for being included in a precompiled build - set ‘PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;’ in NDIIO.build.cs to override.

I have tried adding this line to the NDIIO.build.cs, I am not a coder lol but it keeps giving me the same error, can someone please help me out

Same problem and still no answer…


You need to copy the NDIIOplugin folder to your project folder, not where UE4 is installed.

If you still see some errors, try to rebuild the project. You can find a step by step guide here:

Hope it solves your problem.

Yo lo resolvi generando una carpeta llamada “Plugins” dentro del proyecto, y copiando ahi la carpeta “NDIIO” que está en la carpeta “Plugins” del engine, pero tuve que borrar la carpeta “NDIIO” de la carpeta “Plugins” del engine por que sino da otro error por estar duplicada.
