I watch video and when i use NavMeshBoundsVolume like a video it dont make the ground green and my npc dont work
Did you select to show Navigation? It’s not green by default. There’s a Show button in the upper left of the viewport, you can find navigation in there and turn it on.
If that’s on. Make sure the Nav Bounds are tall enough. Rebuild the level geometry as well, if it’s BSP it will probably need to get rebuilt.
Edit: Also, don’t use a preview version if your new to UE4, they have bugs and will make things harder for you. Use 4.11 instead
Now i can see the green ground, but my npc dont move, i make step by step all in many videos with this NavMeshBoundsVolume but never they dont move.
Thank yu for your hellp and sorry for my bad english.
I have this problem in 12 and 11.2