As you can see NavMeshBoundsVolume is missing parts of my objects from every side, I want it to fully cover the surface of my objects. How can I adjust it?
You can adjust that in the project settings. Just search for navigation
I tried adjusting cell size, cell height, agent height, etc. but none of them seem to work. Which settings should I change exactly?
I think when you dropped the nav mesh in the scene, the system gave you a recast-nav-mesh object also?
You can try setting the agent radius very low on that.
It doesn’t need to reach the edge of your mesh, just close enough to get the AI pivot point to the right spot, so the rest of the actor will reach the edge.
Thanks a lot, this was just what I was looking for
RecastNavMesh-Default → Details → Max Simplification Error
I set this super high and it fixed my issues.