Navmesh refuses to work with my AI

As the title says, I have a Navmesh that refuses to work with the ai.

I have a navmesh that I’ve been using for my Vr game, but for some reason the Navmesh even though its green, I’ve made no changes to the settings, and I tried deleting the navmesh bounds volume and resetting it, it didn’t work. I’ve tried making a new level and new enemy ai to walk on it and that didn’t work, I haven’t tried a new project, but I want to fix the issue on my project since everything is there and migrating stuff would be difficult for me. I have the enemies running on an Ai Move to connected through a behavior tree, but when I tried making a new enemy character and having them just run the code no Behavior Tree or different Ai Controller involved, it still didn’t work. I genuinely have no clue as to why this doesn’t work.

I’ve included some pictures and an imgur link to a video showing what is going on.

If there is any help I woukd appreciate it so much.

Imgur Link to Video and Pictures

Did you find any solutions? Im having the same issue