NavMesh not working

Tried to use a nav mesh, but it’s simply just not appearing.

I’ve tried pressing P over and over again and it completely encompasses the area as seen in this screenshot

Tried to make a new level, same result. Built my level, same result. Tried some of the solutions you linked (namely the set the CollisionComplexity to “Use Complex as Simple” one, though I’ve only been using the default cube so surely it shouldn’t be broken) and that didn’t work :confused:

That seems to have fixed it! Thank you very much :slight_smile:

That’s great! What exactly did you do? Like to know in case more people will have this problem in the future
As always, happy I could help out.

Well you could try a new project to see if it’s something global (editor) or just something to do with your project.

That’s all I have for now maybe someone more experienced has an answer for you. Just wait till tomorrow and work on something else. Good luck.


I basically just went into Project Settings > Navigation Mesh > Generation settings and fiddled around with the values in it (mainly decreasing) until it started to show.

Cool. We both learned something new today! :slight_smile:

This is a super old post, but I guess no one has had this problem in years since a bunch of other navmesh issues are also years old?

My navmesh is doing the same thing. I messed with all the settings in the objects, the editor settings, deleted the nav mesh and made a new one, restarted the computer, made new floor objects, built the level and it said “navigation complete”, made a new project, everything under the golden sun that I could think of or find on the internet and nothing is working. What is going on?

I’m also using UE5, so if I need to just put a new post under UE5 tag, since the OP tagged this UE4, let me know and I’ll do that. Thanks.

So the last thing that I didn’t try was to reinstall Unreal. That fixed it. Also had to mess with the Generation tile size setting just like the OP did, which wasn’t working before the reinstall.

Just for any future people having this issue again, this showed when I installed Unreal 4 along with Unreal 5. That’s the only thing that seemed different than what I was doing before, so I reinstalled 5 and left 4 uninstalled.


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I recently had this problem using 4.24

I moved the nav mesh and recast to persistent and this fixed it, however I’m loading levels dynamically so this is not the solution I needed

I deleted the nav mesh and recast, double clicked my landscape level to make sure when I dragged nav in from modes it was properly assigned to that level, many times I would try to move them to this level and the recast wouldn’t cooperate

Then I switched run time generation to dynamic in the recast, and voila it works when loaded \o/ the first time I did this it did not work and that was probably because the recast/nav wasn’t in the correct level

=> go to World Settings Tab ( close to Details); then click at right corner “Edit Selection in Property Matrix” ; then open “World” Menu ; change Navigation System Config to " Generic Navigation System. it worked for me

Thank you!

no idea where the world settings tab is , I apparently dont have one.

hey, look here…