NavMesh Gap, SimpleMoveTo, updates?

Hi creasso,

There are a few differences between watershed, monotone, and chunky monotone that should be kept in mind when deciding how best to approach your needs:

• Watershed
o best result = polys should be matching level’s layout (rooms, corridors, etc)
o slowest method

• Monotone
o worst result = split using XY axis without using level’s topology
o often results in creating long & thin polys, which are bad if you want to use path corridor for anything (doesn’t represent how much space agent really have)
o fastest method

• Chunky monotone
o acceptable but not great results
o splits tile into pieces (by default 2x2) and run monotone partitioning on them
o long thin polys are still being created, but split limits them to – hopefully – single chunk and in general they won’t be that long (again: less space to work on)
o creates a lot of polys
o very fast

There are also two options for partitioning:

• Layer = which method should be used to divide tile into 2D layers
o monotone/chunky = axis aligned tile boundary = good
o watershed = best split, but curved tile boundary will end up as a lot of small polys
o speed doesn’t really matter here

• Region = actual navmesh in 2D layers

Hopefully this helps you on your way!

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