I am doing a boat archviz project and by definition, boats have lots of tight spaces.
There are many tight corridors of 80cm width and unfortunately navmesh leaves around 35cm from each obstacle, leaving most of the level (boat) unnavigable.
Before you say it, I reduced cell size and agent radius to the minimum (even reached as low as 3 ) and that didn’t seem to reduce the buffer zone from the edges.
In the photo the width of the stair is 70cm and it is unreachable.
Please help me!
P.S. Isn’t there a way to import a geometry I do myself and set it as the navmesh? Maybe this would be simpler for simple projects like a boat scene…
P.S. 1 Please respond!
I’ve seen many similar posts and always the answer is “try reducing agent radius and cell size” but it never drops bellow apx. 30 cm and that is a problem for tight spaces, I even reduced Tile pool size gradually to 0 (while rebuilding) and there was no affect. I am starting to think there is some other global setting that prevents the further reduction…
(also, to explain: no other object with collision exists in the scene so this is not the reason)
Why is nobody ever answering?
Have I been blacklisted for some reason or is this a dead forum? If it is the first, Please tell me to correct course.
Hey there @aris777! I believe it’s not a global setting but more of a navmesh limitation at small sizes. If you’ve adjusted the settings If the space itself is too small for the smallest navmesh agent size, you may want to lean into one of two options.
- Custom navigation solution
- Working with everything off a larger scale.
Custom navigation would only be necessary if you’re needing much tighter control over the navigation but is quite a bit of work to get started.
Increasing scale would do the job and allow you to keep using the navmesh but causes other issues if you don’t design around them. This is obviously less applicable if your application requires high precision scale.
For any newbie like me: the problem was that I didn’t know that you have to make changes to the recast navmesh and not the project settings…