NavMesh Bound Volume not working


So I am trying to make it to where you can point and click around the map and move the character. Kind of like the Top Down demo map. When I looked up tutorials, they made it seem like all you need to do is add a NavMeshBoundVolume. I put one in and it doesn’t work.

Am I missing a step?

Can you click on P and show us if the surface of your map gets painted to green?

It’s not the best NavMesh but I feel like it should be doing SOMETHING.

Could you also show how you handle the AI movement in your blueprints? Please make sure to provide all the related parts of the code.

I’m using the top down movement that Unreal gives you as a demo. Probably should have said that sorry. I didn’t really change anything with the movement. It’s the same.

Ummm… what is that node :smiley: I think that’s a custom function right? Could you also show what’s inside?

Also you can consider using the “Move to Location” or “Simple Move to Location” nodes.